Pesto Eggs on Toast

Cook time: 10-12 minutes


  • Sourdough bread of choice
  • Besto
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 Avocado
  • Arugula
  • Crushed chili flakes/hot sauce
  • Garlic salt
  • Black pepper
  • Olive Oil


In a medium pan, add olive oil and bring to a medium-low heat. Cook two eggs over easy and add garlic salt and black pepper. Once eggs are cooked, set aside. Toast a piece of sourdough and then apply a generous amount of Besto onto the toast. Slice the avocado and add on top of the toast and spinkle a bit of garlic salt. Layer next with arugula. Add the two eggs on top on the arugula. Garnish with crushed red chili flakes or hot sauce of choice. Enjoy!

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